Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Creatine & Creatine Loading

Too lazy to write my own review on the efficacy and safety of creatine so just read this post, it pretty much covers everything you need to know why creatine is so awesome.


'The most common dosing pattern has been to take 20 g/day of CM for 5 days and most research has used that approach. However, alternate loading patterns are possible and may be preferred for various reasons. Ten grams of CM for 10 days or even 3 grams per day for a month can both be effective. At the end of this time period, intramuscular creatine stores will be maximized; the only real difference is how long it will take to load' - Lyle McDonald
If you're on some retarded vegan or vegetarian diet and you're not big on fish, you should consider supplementing with creatine regularily.

If you're competing or preping for a photoshoot, take 20-30g post workout when you start your carbload after a few days of low carbing and training in the glycogen depleted state (with a couple glycogen depleted workout routine, that is)

How low do I need to go on the carbs?  40-60g for women, 100g for men for 3-4days straight. 

What is a glycogen depletion workout?  20-30 total sets of 8-10 various exercises that will hit each muscle group twice.  Keep rep range around 12-15 and rest intervals around 30-40secs.  Use machines if it's more convenience on going from lifts to lifts.  do compounds movements if you like but it's going to be hellish. think deads, presses, cleans, chins, and squats. 

or you can play some team sport for 2 hrs on one day, then on another day, just hit the upper body with weights.

I personally sip on gatorade and creatine to delay onset of muscluar soreness when i play pickup soccer and as an immediate energy boost in general since I tyipcally don't eat breakfast and lunch. So I break my fast after the game.

Most creatines out there are the same, if you're paying more (or a lot more) from GNC or Vitamin shoppe, you're just paying for the packaging and advertisement.  This is same for whey and all the other crap that they say are"very easily digested", "clean", or "shuttles into your muscle quickly".    If you don't mind the limited flavor choices, just get the cheapest brand from walmart.

Here's another post on Creatine and How it works

If you're looking for hard evidence relating to the efficacy of creatine loading and you're a nerd like me, read through this post from my friend Mr. Orwell

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

everything you need to know about creatine in super detail, plus studies to back up



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